Sleepy Animator Named Tj
Some animator living in Nova Scotia and drawing dragons every now and then
Hexblue Tigertoy
Rubber TF Artist. Toy. Contains adult content. 'He'/'Him', occasionally 'It'.
Woger Doggo
A chocolate covered banana Lab that barks opinions, rolls d20s, and chases golf balls! Engineer | Ex-Mascot and @Roofur Fursuiter | Game and Sports Enthusiast
Enlarged Frawg
24, He/Him. AD/NSFW of @/KaaeruFrog. Gay furry dude that posts a lot of fetishy stuff. Mostly BIG things. Occasional video game stuff. Also a big derp. 18+ ONLY
nerdy kobold that like to draw play video games/wants to do VA some time soon /Commissions open /๐Ÿ”ž
Boar does boar things. I'm a gay furry porn enthusiast and chubby chaser. I'm also a comp sci major and a lover of all kinds of games. I mostly post porn. ๐Ÿ—
Master Splinter
Ninja/TF Artist | @pauliedwardsโ€™ husbando | Rat Dad | Furry | From TMNT 2012 | As You Are! | No Minors Please (THIS ART IS NOT MINE)
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