Kinky pregnancy test : what's in the womb?

진단 결과 Aerial is pregnant! The diagnosis says;
Aerial is
12 months pregnant!
Aerial is carrying
babies of an alien lifeform
Aerial's due date is
never going to come.
Aerial's belly
is excessively sensitive.
Aerial's side effects include :
The urge to cook an ungodly amount of food at absurd hours of the night and eat it all in one sitting.
Aerial's belly
Kicks at early hours of the morning, waking Aerial up earlier than they'd like...

Good luck, Aerial! You might need it...


You're pregnant! Find out what's in your womb, how far along you are, your due date, how many you're carrying, etc!

진단 인원수9.3K
pregnancy expansion belly
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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