Your Appearance as a Male Pt 1

진단 결과 Quinn

Body: Narrow

Hair Colour & Haircut or Texture: Apricot, curly

Eye Colour & Descriptor: China blue and are unreadable

Skin Colour & Complexion: Warm beige, dull

Voice Quality: Honeyed

Miscellaneous: has a third nipple, often shrugs, and shaves between his legs

Quinn gives off the impression that he's submissive and forgetful.


A physical description of OC had they been given a pair of XY chromosomes. It's more realistic appearance, although the hair can get colourful. If you don't know colours/styles/adj, Google's cool. Suggestions appreciated. Enjoy!

진단 인원수2.2K
OC Artprompt Looks
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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