Defeated by a Horny Monster

진단 결과 <Level 3 Seraphim Norman>
You explore, trying to keep warm in the snowy mountains... And run into an encounter! And it just had to show up while you were stuck in a trap!

It's a tentacle beast! It grips your shoulders, holds you by the waist and fits you with a leash and pulls, and within moments all your holes are stuffed and all your sensitive weak spots are being stimulated! The formless mass of tentacles uses you for hours on end...

Finally, you shake it off and keep moving with a spring in your step... You gain 15 EXP! You find no items... You unlocked the Class Slut!


You're beaten in combat by a powerful monster and it has its way with you. The question is, which and how...

진단 인원수171.7K
NSFW monster
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