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진단 결과
Your nameEva Bigfoot
SeriesMonster Adventures
Neutral Special: Siren's Melody - Eva Bigfoot unleashes a powerful sound wave that disorients and stuns opponents in its range.

Side Special: Bigfoot Slam - Eva Bigfoot charges forward with incredible strength, tackling opponents and launching them off the stage.

Up Special: Sonic Leap - Eva Bigfoot jumps high into the air, leaving a trail of sound waves that damage any opponents caught in its path.

Down Special: Echolocation - Eva Bigfoot uses her keen sense of hearing to detect opponents' movements, gaining temporary invincibility and the ability to counter their attacks.

Final Smash: Roar of the Wild - Eva Bigfoot transforms into a giant monster, letting out a thunderous roar that damages all opponents on the stage and sends them flying.


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