Bambisona Expander

진단 결과
Power level:16000 to 19000
Alignment:Lawful Good
Obsessions:Cake, cleaning
Personality summary:Friendly, honest and respectful
Notes:You know what happens when you’re not on Jasper’s side
Jasper is a friendly and honest individual who values respect and upholds a strong sense of morality. With a power level ranging from 16000 to 19000, Jasper possesses a considerable amount of strength and ability. Their alignment as Lawful Good indicates that they prioritize order and justice, always striving to do what is right.

Jasper's obsessions include cake and cleaning, suggesting that they have a sweet tooth and a penchant for cleanliness. Perhaps they enjoy baking and indulging in delicious treats, while also maintaining a tidy and organized environment.

It is important to note that being on Jasper's side is crucial, as they possess the power to make a significant impact. Whether it be in a physical altercation or in standing up for what is just, crossing paths with Jasper when they are not on your side may have undesirable consequences.

Overall, Jasper is a reliable and trustworthy individual who combines their strong sense of morality with their powers to make a positive difference in the world.


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