Genshin Impact Vision Granter

진단 결과 Character: User A
Vision: Hydro
Region: Nathlan
Weapon: Claymore

Ascencion Stat; Physical %

Skill: Summon an supportive ally

Burst: Deal AoE elemental Dmg in front of the character

This character is made to be a SUB-DPS

User A weapon's has Def as their stat.

1th Ascention: Power up Burst
4th Ascention: Reduce cooldown of Burst

1th Constellation: Burst can grant stacks
2th Constellation: Normal and Charge Attacks can grant stacks
3th Constellation: Burst level +3, max is now 15.
4th Constellation: Enchanced elemental reactions
5th Constellation: Skill level +3, max is now 15.
6th Constellation: Debuff enemies with Burst


This is a character generator for Genshin Impact.
Arielix Demon@DemonArielix

진단 인원수528
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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