Sexy Demon Dominatrix

진단 결과 Kermit the imposter's demon is 5'5 and has light blue skin, dark yellow eyes, extremely long platinum blond hair, and B cup breasts. She has no tail, as well as a pair of broken horns and a pair of small, sharp horns.
She insists that you refer to her as Mommy.
She wears a belt full of torture tools, a garter belt with lace top stockings, and a pleated leather miniskirt that leaves nothing to the imagination.
She is 92% sadistic and will torture you for at least 10 hours a day. She prefers shocking you and beheading you.


You've been sent to hell, how surprising. Find out all about the demon lady that has been designated to torture you until you repent!
This is based on the 'Love in Hell' manga. All bodily injuries are healed overnight, hence some of the violent results ^^;

진단 인원수368
dominatrix demongirl hell
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