Defeated by a Horny Monster

진단 결과 <Level 82 Berserker Kermit the imposter>
You explore, trying to keep cool within a raging volcano... And run into an encounter! And you still haven't gotten rid of your cursed equipment...!

It's a minotaur! It forces you on your knees and you eagerly choke down inch after inch of horsecock! You taste its huge, throbbing balls, and you play with your quickly-aroused body...! It causes you to cum while getting came into!

Finally, you shake it off and keep moving with a spring in your step... You gain 410 EXP! You find no items... You unlocked the Class Demonologist!


You're beaten in combat by a powerful monster and it has its way with you. The question is, which and how...

진단 인원수171.7K
NSFW monster
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