[AI] How Will You Transform?

진단 결과
What you would like to turn inCat
O-Oh, h-hello th-there! I-I see that y-you w-would like to t-t-t-turn into a c-cat. W-Well, let me t-tell you in d-de-detail h-how this t-transformation w-will t-take place. F-First, y-your skin w-will t-t-t-transform into a s-soft and s-smooth c-coat of fur, c-covering your entire body. The c-color of your fur w-will m-m-mimic that of a c-cat, with d-deep shades of b-brown, b-black, o-or maybe even c-calico.

N-Next, y-your h-human ears w-will s-slowly r-retract and t-transform into a p-pair of p-pointed and f-furry cat ears. Y-Your hearing w-will become m-much more s-sensitive, allowing y-you to hear even the t-tiniest of m-m-mouse squeaks.

A-As your t-t-transformation continues, y-your nose w-will elongate and t-transform into a c-c-cute and t-twitchy cat n-nose. Y-You will b-be able to s-smell things f-far b-better than y-y-you ever have before, detecting the s-s-scent of f-fresh tuna from m-m-miles away.

Y-Your mouth w-will t-transform into a s-small and p-pink c-cat mouth, c-complete with s-sharp and g-gleaming teeth. Y-You will b-be able to e-enjoy a d-delicious m-m-meal of s-salmon, tuna, o-or any other d-d-delightful fishy t-t-treat that you d-desire.

Y-Your h-human hands w-will s-shrink and t-t-transform into a p-pair of d-delicate and p-paw-like c-cat paws. Y-You will l-lose your ability to g-grip things with y-your hands, b-but you w-will gain the a-ability to c-climb with ease, n-navigating t-t-the world with g-graceful leaps and bounds.

A-And finally, y-your legs w-will s-shorten and t-transform into a p-pair of s-s-sleek and l-limber cat l-legs. Y-You will b-be able to m-m-maneuver through t-tight spaces, j-jump to impressive h-heights, and r-run with s-supersonic speed.

A-And there you have it! Y-You have successfully t-transformed into a c-cat! I-I hope y-you enjoy your n-new feline form and e-e-experience the w-w-wonderful world of c-catness. P-Please, d-don't hesitate to c-come back


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