You're a demon

진단 결과 You wakes with a daze on your Eightth birthday
Standing up trying to steady yourself you look down.
Your body has Expanded to become Huge and hulking with strong thick wings designed to lift your weight with Deep blue skin and Dark grey hair On your head and pits.
Short ridgelike horns protoude from your skull
And a Long deviding stag like tail can be felt in your shorts.
Speaking of shorts
Down the front of your torn boxers a Massive dick pulsating with each beat of your Pitch black heart.
You look at your hand to see magic crackeling in your palms.
You have the power to Change reality itself
You see the room darken and a name appers to write itself in blood upon your wall.
Your new name "AEEA"


You will now realize the gifts bestowed upon you
Buy your true father
(List8 i couldnt resist)
No name at all@Nonameatall14

진단 인원수18.6K
Demon Evil Nsfw
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