Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

진단 결과 You, Toph , awaken in the house of a giant, sneaky Vaporeon. You look around from a dining table and notice the giant pokemon, who appears to be cooking food. They bring it over and almost set the dish on you, but you luckily dodge out of the way!

The Vaporeon is star-struck, and then you spend a few minutes discussing what you each like.

After spending some time together, the Vaporeon wants to spend a little more time with you where you both are. During the evening, the pokemon spends a few minutes playfully and gently stomping on you; and the giant pokemon lets you climb on and explore all over their body. At the end of it all, you end the night with some chatting.

You become fast friends with the Vaporeon and hang out more often.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

진단 인원수5.4K
Pokemon Macro Fetish
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