Your Life as A Pro Hero

진단 결과  Cynn's Quirk is Distortion! Their hero ranking is 1st, which they are a little embarrassed about.
Their hero partner is Kaibara Sen, but Kaibara Sen finds them lacking. The two of them are a universally admired duo.
Cynn attended Seijin High, but had a reputation for getting into trouble.
After graduating high school, Cynn was approached by Kaibara Sen to partner up and build their own agency from the ground up. Cynn refused at first, but Kaibara Sen persisted, leading to their eventual partnership.

Cynn constantly avoids Tsunotori Pony.
Cynn is extremely jealous of Bondo Kojiro.
Cynn likes to partner up with Makabe Shikkui.
Shindou Yo doesn't really understand Cynn.
Shindou Yo is passionate rivals with Cynn.


Results change every time you use it :^ includes hero partner, the school you attended, your Quirk, any potential best friends/rivals/romantic partners, etc.
(if you're in a relationship with multiple people assume it's poly!)
Esme — ✧@cutely_eats_you

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