BTD6 Heros Creator

진단 결과
Hero Inform NeededShe is a puppet master
A master of manipulating puppets with precision and grace.
Puppet Control - Manipulates puppets to attack enemies from a distance.
Speed: Moderate.
Range: Long.
Pieces: Puppet, strings, control panel.
1. Puppet Creation - Creates a basic puppet for combat.
2. String Mastery - Enhances control over puppet movements.
3. Precision Strikes - Increases accuracy and damage.
4. Puppet Shield - Creates a shield using puppets for defense.
5. Puppet Swarm - Summons multiple puppets for a fierce attack.
6. Master Manipulator - Improves puppet control and coordination.
7. Puppet Fusion - Combines puppets for a devastating attack.
8. String Snare - Restrains enemies with powerful strings.
9. Puppet Army - Summons an army of puppets for battle.
10. Ultimate Marionette - Unleashes a powerful puppet warrior.
11. Control Overload - Enhances puppet manipulation abilities.
12. Puppeteer's Wrath - Unleashes a barrage of attacks with precision.
13. String Storm - Creates a whirlwind of strings to damage enemies.
14. Puppeteer's Embrace - Protects allies with puppet shields.
15. Marionette's Fury - Commands the ultimate puppet for a deadly strike.
16. Master of Puppets - Achieves mastery over all puppet abilities.
17. Puppeteer's Legacy - Leaves a lasting impact on the battlefield.
18. String Symphony - Creates a harmonious display of puppet attacks.
19. Puppeteer's Dominion - Rules the battlefield with unmatched control.
20. Puppeteer's Ascension - Ascends to puppet mastery, dominating foes.
Appearance: Level 3 - Puppeteer with basic puppet, Level 7 - Puppet Fusion form, Level 10 - Ultimate Marionette form, Level 20 - Ascended Puppeteer form.
Voicelines: "Let's put on a show!", "Puppets, attack!", "Precision is key.", "My strings control all.", "Puppet mastery at its finest."
Fun Facts: Puppeteer's puppets are named after famous puppet characters from folklore and literature.


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