AI Monster TF 2
진단 결과
Prompt/Design IdeaHe transforming into a sea serpent after got shot by mysterious figure with arrow & disturbing theme
Banjo's transformation into a sea serpent is a sight to behold. His skin turns a shimmering shade of blue, adorned with scales that glisten like the ocean under the moonlight. His limbs elongate and twist into serpentine coils, while his hands morph into powerful fins that propel him through the water with ease. A crown of jagged spikes emerges from his head, adding a menacing aura to his already imposing form. As he slithers through the depths, his eyes glow with an otherworldly light, reflecting the darkness that now resides within him. The eerie melody of the ocean's depths accompanies his every move, a haunting reminder of the price he paid for crossing paths with the mysterious figure and their unsettling arrow.


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