Pokemon transformations(TF)

진단 결과 Nazirul found a collar with a Umbreon charm hanging on it laying on the ground. They decide to humor themself and put it on. Going to work afterwards.

At work they have trouble focussing. They start thinking more and more about Umbreon's and less about work. Getting so lost in that train of thought. That they respond with "Umbreon." To their new hire asking their name. Their neck starts itching after that...

After a long day at work. They quickly head home straight into bed. Hoping these strange thoughts will go away tommorrow.

In their dreams everyone acts like their a Umbreon. But their not.. aren't they?...

When they wake up they look in a mirror and spot Umbreon fur growing from their neck. "Umbreon!" They cry out. The fur growing more in response.

The collar must be doing this! They try with all their might, but they can't remove or destroy their collar.

Their speech is littered with variations of Umbreon. This gets more intense when they are emotional.

Somehow the changes stop before they are fully transformed. How will they adjust to living life as a Umbreon/Human hybrid?


Some scenarios of someone transforming into a Pokémon.

진단 인원수3.6K
Pokemon Transfur Transformation
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