What is your Symbiote (Marvel Edition)

진단 결과 Mystia has a chartreuse symbiote dubbed Fang.
Mystia's symbiote is a symbiote that can grow to the size of three skyscrapers and two elephants.
Mystia met their symbiote in a warehouse.
Mystia's symbiote uses tentacles as its main weapon.
Mystia and their symbiote is often seen in alleyways.
Mystia often fights Hybrid.
Mystia often works with Raze
Things You Should Know:
Fang fears bananas
Fang has an obsession with ice cream


A symbiote generator but it's Marvel edition (includes both MCU and some comic book symbiotes)
now includes a radar chart

진단 인원수4.2K
Symbiote Marvel MCU
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