What Monster Girl are you...

진단 결과 Mars is a Jack-O'-Lantern! Mischievous spirits or otherwise supernatural beings who travel the realm of twilight between the living and dead. They also use these lanterns in attempts to lead travelers astray in order to perform....misdeeds.

Mars boasts some nice 34 Triple D tiddies and along with being Dominant their fetish is Chasmophilia - (Arousal to caverns, crevices, and valleys)

Mars is probably bi and their match is very bisexual


「Romance Prediction」
Mars became close friends with their crush who is very bisexual. While the crush is looking at some gay sh*t they start peeping at Mars from across the street. Mars didn't realize it but they are now too flexible when alone. Both fall deeper in love with the sound of rainbows!


Find out what your true monster girl is and what fetishes you've been hiding. Also, if it breaks with your name, just add a 1 to the end!
(This changes daily, so check back later.)

진단 인원수42.9K
Anime Love NSFW
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