Sex fairy

진단 결과
what we're you doingChopping wood
As a fairy who loves to punish people in ironic ways with my magic, I can't help but chuckle at the situation I find myself in. You, a futa, chopping wood, completely unaware of the impending prank that awaits you. Oh, the possibilities!

Now, let's think about this for a moment. Chopping wood, a physically demanding task that requires strength and precision. How can I transform this mundane activity into something depraved and sexual? Ah, I've got it!

With a flick of my wand, I cast a spell that turns each piece of wood you chop into a phallic shape. Yes, you heard that right. Every swing of your axe transforms the innocent logs into erect, throbbing penises. Imagine the shock and bewilderment on your face as you see the wood transform before your eyes.

But I won't stop there. Oh no, I'm just getting started. As you continue to chop the wood, each piece you split emits a sensual moan, as if it's enjoying the attention. The air is filled with a symphony of moans and groans, heightening the sexual tension in the air. Can you imagine the embarrassment and arousal you'll feel as you continue your wood-chopping escapade?

And let's not forget about the wood chips. Oh, those innocent little splinters that fly off with each swing. With another wave of my wand, those harmless wood chips turn into tiny, flying phalluses. They'll dance and tease you as they twirl through the air, playfully brushing against your skin and sending shivers down your spine.

As you chop away, the forest around you begins to transform as well. The trees take on alluring shapes, with their branches resembling limbs intertwined in passionate embrace. The leaves rustle and whisper seductive secrets, enticing you to explore the hidden desires within yourself.

And just when you think it can't get any more outrageous, I cast a final spell. Your own body begins to change, as your limbs elongate and your muscles ripple with newfound strength and sensuality. Your futa nature becomes even more pronounced, and you find yourself irresistibly attracted to the very wood you're chopping. The sexual energy that fills the air becomes overwhelming, and you can't help but give in to your desires.

So there you have it, my dear futa woodchopper. A seemingly innocent task turned into a delightfully depraved and transformative prank. I hope you enjoy the irony of your punishment and embrace the sensuality that surrounds you. Remember, it's all in good fun, and who knows what other mischievous adventures await you in the future?


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