[RWBY] Character Generator

진단 결과 Name: Keegan
Species: Deer Faunus
Description: You have grey eyes, and your grey hair with with burgundy bangs is wavy. Your outfit is refined styled, colored burgundy and grey. Your faunus trait is Deer ears.

You grew up in the Kingdom of Mistral, and trained at Haven Academy. You joined a team of huntsmen/huntresses, but parted ways with your teammates following a falling out. You discovered your semblance was lightning manifestation. Your abilities and outfit both have a ice motif.

Your weapon is a burgundy and grey mace crossed with a assault rifle, and an auxiliary shield. Your fighting style focuses on dance-fighting.


Become a huntsman/huntress in the world of Remnant! Includes appearance, various faunus types, weapon, semblance and even some story aspects!
Cardcaptor Elise@pegasnow

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