Warrior Cats Callout Generator

진단 결과 Not about mutuals. Lynx needs to be stopped. First of all, they are basically a Brightheart appreciator and won't even talk about Twigbranch's IBS or eight murders. Kinda suss. They burnt an entire copy of The Fourth Apprentice. Unforgivable. To make things worse, they ship Crookedstar and Blackstar in a canon compliant way. They for some reason posted on their blog that Tawnypelt 's abusive behaviour is for some reason okay? Block! A friend of mine said that they headcanon Dappletail as gay coded but I don't have screenshots right now. Oh, nearly forgot. They're a Barley fan-blog. Slightly off topic...
Watch out for this user.


Why have you been cancelled?

진단 인원수4.5K
warriors callout tumblr
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