Your Anime Transformation

진단 결과 As you are fighting a villain, you are knocked into a pile of rubble, you are almost unconscious. As the villain goes to kill your father, something happens
Your hair turns lavender and the length of your hair grows longer
And your eyes turn lime green
You've grown at least 90cm and your strength increases tenfold
You've seem to have grown toughened skin-like armor
You feel better than ever
The villain tries to punch you, but you dodge it with barely any effort and punch him back, blitzing him in the process. He goes flying into a concrete wall and breaks it with the sheer force of your hit. With this transformation, you were able to heal your father's wound

What can you do with this new transformation?


What will your transformation look like?

진단 인원수8.6K
Transformation Anime OC
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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