Demonic Wereflower TF Generator
진단 결과 At a full moon night, Karuka experiences changes. Their arms and hands grow vines and extra mouths. Their feet become paws with retractable claws, destroying whatever shoes they were wearing. dark brown fur begins sprouting from random parts of Karuka's body.
Their body grows bigger and stronger, with a pair of leaf-like wings sprouting from their back. 1 long, thick tail(s) grow(s) from behind, tearing any pants Karuka's wearing. They rip off their shirt as they continue to change, 9 long white horn(s) sprout(s) from their head alongside the petals of nightshades. The face stretch into a short snout with sharp teeth, their ears grow big and pointy, and their eyes turn white with purple pupils. 6 more eyes appear on their face. Karuka is now a Demonic Wereflower, and they've mentally lost themself as they begin to howl!


Shindan Head Image
Based on something I made in Super Scribblenauts weeks ago. They came back to my mind so here we go.

You've been cursed by Gothhearta the Enchantress and now you're becoming a part man, part hellish beast, part flower monstrosity.
Roseberry Crepe@CrepeRoseberry

진단 인원수796
Transformation Demon Flowers
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