Defeated by a Horny Monster

진단 결과 <Level 77 Freelancer Tabby>
You explore, and walk into a secluded clearing in a verdant forest... And run into an encounter! It's a boss! There's a boss here?! You can't run...!

It's an ogre! It grabs you and thoughtlessly impales you on its humongous dick...! You lose your mind as you're stretched and gaped, and it cums and fills you and fills you with so much cum...!

Finally, you lie there stunned, sex-drunk and incredibly satisfied... You gain 385 EXP! You find no items... You unlocked the Class Berserker!


You're beaten in combat by a powerful monster and it has its way with you. The question is, which and how...

진단 인원수171.7K
NSFW monster
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