genshin story generator - kinda mondstadt centric

진단 결과 You were born in Liyue Harbor to a middle-class family.

Your parents abandoned you as a child, forcing you to be on the streets, so you kept to yourself for quite a while.

A horrific storm that destroys your home forced you to leave your village in your teen years, eventually leading you to hide in Dadaupa Gorge.

You manage to survive there for 7 years before you get found by Fischl and consequently dragged by them to Mondstadt.

You end up working at the Church, and become closer to the people around you - namely Mona, who you end up dating within only a few years of meeting them.

You two get married in the cathedral, with an envious Diluc looking on at you, wishing it were them instead.

You spawn 4 youngling(s) from either yourself, your spouse, or the void before you die.

Good job!


a very big test of the system's workings, and a generation of one's life and details in genshin impact. also kinda depressing in the beginning sorry.

진단 인원수9.4K
Games Genshin
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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