OwO Fat Girl Time~

진단 결과 *huff* *puff*

325 Pounds all together.

Your small chest feels nice, but you can't help but wish for more.
You struggle to heave your massive belly around, as it pokes out of even your biggest shirts.
Your colossal ass wobbles back and forth, wedging in any doorway you find yourself in.
Your flabby thighs leave waddling as your way to get around
Your arms are dexterous enough to keep up though!

Your morning jog felt like it took forever today. Right as you see your apartment in front of you, you hear a terrifying sound. as you look down, you notice tears in your workout attire. You make a desperate dash to your room, but you know everyone saw, and heard, your little outfit malfunction.

You sure have gained a lot, but that food was SO worth it.


[Warning: This is for a fat fetish, and it assumes you're a girl, if you aren't okay with that, you might want to leave.]
Veletica Copper@Veleticacopper

진단 인원수4.5K
FatGirl WeightGain WG_writing
진단 결과: 고정
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