nonhuman bounty

진단 결과 Two or three weeks ago, at a special ceremony in front of all your family and friends, you found yourself tied up and submitting to a gelatinous mass, capable of changing shape. It pushed itself into you one viscous inch at a time, and by the time most of it was inside of you, your belly was already beginning to swell. You hoped it would leave you just as full — of smaller masses that would become more active as they grew.

After spending the duration of your cycle getting pumped full, you were left with a slightly convex belly that made your body look soft and fecund, and weighed down gently upon your hips. Even though you already expect this, it won't be until a few months from now, when you're already pretty far along, that you'll know for sure: According to a doctor, you can be more than certain that you're heavy with young. Over the course of the next two months, your abdomen will swell at a regular rate, until it becomes rounded and heavy in front of you.

By the time you go into labor, you won’t be able to think about anything other than how strongly your young move inside of you. After a pleasurably long birth, you’ll miss the feeling of your belly swelling more and more. As soon as you can, you hope you’ll grow heavy all over again with young. You’ll be counting down the days until you can feel new life growing inside of your full belly once more.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

진단 인원수8.7K
nsfw preg terato
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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