Pokemon Tf and Weight Gain

진단 결과 Drinking the potion emilia ,Your are now a Femboy, Anthro Dwebble.Your clothes begin to feel tight as an unknown side effect rears its ugly head Your Chest begins to Test the limits of your Clothes,The Rest of you body quick follows Suit in the Expansion and soon this rapid weight gain will take its course
You Body stopped Growing,Thank Arceus you can still walk somewhat as you waddle to the mirror to admire your self, and look to the Scale you're almost 600 pound of jiggly Dwebble Goodness.You could go for a bite to eat .You pose in mirror letting your flab jiggle sensually .


This Maker Gives you a pokemon Transformation with a Heavy twist . (warning Massive Sizes and Mild Slob)

진단 인원수5.8K
WeightGain Fat
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