nonhuman bounty

진단 결과 A couple of weeks ago, after making camp for the night at the edge of a vast golden wheat field, you found yourself tied up and begging to be bred by a pack of werewolves. The alpha took you first, and as it neared climax, you could feel it swelling inside of you. Once you were tied together, there was no telling how long you would be plugged full, and even when the alpha was done, the rest of the pack still had their turns left to knot you.

After spending two days completely filled, you were left with a midsection so convex that you already looked heavily pregnant. Even though you already expect this, it won't be until a month and a half from now that you'll have an undeniable answer: Based on how tired you keep finding yourself, it'll be clear that you're carrying several new lives, at the very least. Over the course of the next month, your belly will expand rapidly, until you look fully pregnant.

By the time you’re ready to deliver, you'll have been able to feel your clutch jostling inside of you for days on end. After a straightforward birth that leaves you pleasurably sore, you’ll miss the feeling of your belly swelling more and more. It’ll be a while before you’re ready again, but with every new round of breeding, you’ll take more and more pleasure from it, happy to embrace your true purpose at last.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

진단 인원수8.7K
nsfw preg terato
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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