Captured! By a Nefarious Female Stranger…

진단 결과 Sarah wakes, collared and paralysed.

Above them looms a reptilian plague doctor… the same woman Sarah had sworn they’d seen before, dipping in and out of the old village alleyways like a shadow.

Her tinkling laugh bounces off the walls of the abandoned mill. “You’ve eluded me too long, mortal,” she hisses, “now I think I’ll have fun with you.”

The plague doctor stands over them and kneels down, before pulling them by the collar. She moans nefariously under her breath. Helpless, Sarah has no choice but to submit to her advances…


A strange woman has been following you around the village. Now she has you to herself. NSFW implications.

진단 인원수4.1K
monster nsfw scenario
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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