nonhuman bounty

진단 결과 About three weeks ago, after making camp for the night in the hot, humid jungle, you found yourself offered up to a herd of centaurs. At first you were afraid, but once your body grew to accommodate the length and girth of the first one to mount you, you could think of nothing other than your own overwhelming pleasure — and the fact that you could hear the rest of the herd fighting over whose turn was next.

After spending the duration of your heat getting stretched until you could imagine no joy greater than making this your sole purpose in life, you were left with a subtly swollen midsection that drew a few glances, but not many, and shifted gently with your every movement. Even though your condition is already evident, it won't be until a month and a half from now that you'll know for certain: According to the results of a series of thorough tests, you can be more than certain that your belly is heavy with inhuman progeny. Over the course of the next two or three months, your abdomen will swell rapidly, until you look fully pregnant.

By the time your young are ready to be born, your brood will have been jostling inside of you for weeks. After an intense and complicated birth, you’ll be glad to take a break from being so full, but you’ll miss the feeling of new life growing inside of you. It’ll be a while before your body is ready again. Not to worry — with every new round of breeding, you’ll take more and more pleasure from it.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

진단 인원수8.7K
nsfw preg terato
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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