nonhuman bounty

진단 결과 One week ago, during a particularly memorable heat, you found yourself holding yourself open for two demonic beings, looking for mischief. One held you down so the other could push all the way in on its very first thrust, as symbols in an arcane script branded themselves into your skin. Whether they left you swelling with infernal young or not, you would bear their marks for a long, long time.

After spending as long as you could getting bred until you could no longer think of anything but pleasure, you were left with a slightly rounded belly that you couldn’t stop looking at or touching, and that shifted gently with your every movement. Even though you know it was likely, it won't be until a month or two from now that you'll have a conclusive answer: According to a doctor, you can be more than certain that you're heavy with young. Over the course of the next nine months, your belly will grow rapidly, until you look heavily pregnant.

By the time your young are ready to be born, you won’t be able to think about anything other than how strongly your brood moves inside of you. After a pleasurably long birth, you’ll miss having such a heavy belly. It’ll be a while before you’re ready again. Not to worry — with every new round of breeding, you’ll take more and more pleasure from it, happy to embrace your body's true purpose at last.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

진단 인원수8.7K
nsfw preg terato
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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