nonhuman bounty

진단 결과 About a month ago, in an abandoned house at the edge of town, you found yourself getting rutted by a centaur. Overtaken by primal need, it didn’t waste any time working you open gently. At first you were nervous, but once your body grew to accommodate its length and girth, you could think of nothing other than your own overwhelming pleasure — and the fact that centaurs are notoriously fertile.

After spending two days getting pumped full to the brim, you were left with a belly so rounded that you already looked several months pregnant. Even though you already expect this, it won't be until a few months from now, when you're already pretty far along, that you'll have a conclusive answer: With your hands pressed against your abdomen, it'll be clear that your belly is heavy with inhuman progeny. Over the course of the next two years, your belly will grow at a regular rate until it's enormously rounded and heavy in front of you, leaving no doubt as to your body’s true purpose.

By the time you go into labor, your hips will ache from how heavy your belly has grown, your brood moving inside of you only sometimes. After an intense and complicated birth, you’ll be glad to take a break from being so full, but you’ll miss the feeling of new life growing inside of you. It’ll be a while before your body is ready again. Not to worry — with every new round of breeding, you’ll take more and more pleasure from it.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

진단 인원수8.7K
nsfw preg terato
진단 결과: 매일 변화
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