Naruto: Your Jutsus, Team, Relations, Stats & more

진단 결과 Kaden , your 3 Jutsus are: “Black Needle Stab”, ”Fire Release: Nail Crimson Crow Leap”, and “Ephemeral”.

Your affiliation is with the Akatsuki.

Your possible love interest is Rin.

You are an S Rank Rogue Ninja, and were a friend of Asuma Sarutobi.

Your 2 teammates: Neji and Choji.
Kekkai Genkai: Rinnegan.

Kaden ’s Stats:

With all of this said you, Kaden , were betrayed and imprisoned by your clan, the Akatsuki!


3 Jutsus, your Rank, and relationship with other characters, affiliation, etc.
You + Your Team Members' Jinchuriki Status, Kekkai Genkai/Chakra Natures, and STATS such as NIN, INT, TEAMWORK, CHA, TAI and GEN!
Kekkai Genkai: 5.5%
Jinchuriki: 10%

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