Shrunk in a Furry High School

진단 결과 Towering over you is the senior infamous for pranks, a buff husky who calls you "bug". "Aw, you look kinda cute like that, Anthony!"

He groans. "I don't have the time to deal with you right now, Anthony." He walks into the cafeteria and stealthily drops you into some panda's soda can. You recognize the drink's owner as the captain of the football team. He chugs the entire can, unwittingly washing you down inside him.


The lunch bell rings, and you head to the Chem lab in search of your missing homework. Whoops! You spill a vial of green liquid onto yourself. Suddenly, you shrink to a mere half-inch! Thunderous footsteps draw closer, and a massive shadow covers you.
Trash Lord@TrashLord77

진단 인원수12.7K
Furry Shrink Micro
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