Big Beastly Bottom Biscuits
진단 결과 Ageris takes a Big Bottom Beast Biscuit and experiences changes. They notice they're legs becoming bulky crab-like legs and growing 8 more legs. Ageris's belly growls and grows to the size of a car, and their butt and hips the size of the entire house. Their lower body matches the colors, patterns, and back of your tail friends.


Shindan Head Image
Warning: No kiddos should be eating these. This generator is NSFW.

Want to carry all those giant tails and tail friends around, but your body's too weak and tiny to do so? No problem! Have the legs and lower body perfect for all your tails!
Roseberry Crepe@CrepeRoseberry

진단 인원수1.2K
Growth Butt Monster
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