Learning Blocks OC Creator - 모두의 진단 결과

Lucy Cleaver's OC
Gender: Rather not say
Species: Shapeshifter
Letter/Number: E
Height in Blocks (if Numberblock/Learning Human/Halfbeing/Human/Flathuman/etc.): 11 blocks
Ideal Match: Octoblock
Color: Gray
Shape (if Alphablock/Flatlander/Learning Human/Halfbeing/Human/Flathuman/etc.): Semi Circle
Dere Type: Notadere
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Romantic Towards: Female
Favorite Species: Halfblock
Least Favorite Species: Alphablock
Favorite Letter/Number: D
Least Favorite Letter/Number: B
Number of Fans: 13
Number of Haters: 3
Mortal Enemy: Moco
Favorite Color: Olive
Least Favorite Color: Azure
Favorite Shape: Towering Intellect
Least Favorite Shape: Pyramid Schemer
Ideal Dere Type: Gamodere
Worst Dere Type: Nekodere
First Appearance: Fifty
Latest Appearance: Another One
Mentioned Appearance: Wig
Favorite Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Least Favorite Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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