RainWing OC generator - 모두의 진단 결과


Scale colour: B62084
Secondary colour: 201E50
Eye colour: C7EFCF
Wing and ruff colour: 0CF574
Spikes and horn colour: 91F5AD
Third colour: 7F00FF
Others colour (Optional): 2F4F4F, F3D9DC

Accessories: Pouch with sleeping darts
Personality: Aggressive
Occupation: Teacher
Abilities: Venom can somehow go burn metal
Pet: None

Age: Dragonet
Size: Slightly smaller than other dragons
Gender: Female
Dallas Paige Krewenki

Scale colour: EBD494
Secondary colour: ADF7B6
Eye colour: FDF8FF
Wing and ruff colour: 519E8A
Spikes and horn colour: F48498
Third colour: 515751
Others colour (Optional): D02090, 800080

Accessories: Chain anywhere
Personality: Cold
Occupation: Prince
Abilities: Has animus magic
Pet: Has no pet

Age: Adult
Size: Large
Gender: Male

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