inflation story maker

진단 결과
your name Goldilocks
male or female Female
inflate with what? Golden Sauce
belly,butt,breasts,or all 3 Belly
Hose:mouth,butt, or noneMouth
what do you want to happen?Goldilocks Becomes a Goldilocks Ball
Goldilocks, a young woman with flowing golden locks, stumbled upon a mysterious golden sauce one fateful day. Curious, she decided to taste it, not realizing its magical properties. From that moment on, her belly began to swell uncontrollably, expanding with each passing day. At first, she thought it was just a temporary effect, but as time went on, it became clear that her fate was sealed. Goldilocks found herself transforming into a round, golden ball, unable to stop the swelling. Despite her predicament, she embraced her new form and rolled through life with a newfound sense of adventure and acceptance. And so, Goldilocks lived out the rest of her days as a shining symbol of resilience and self-love.


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