Plushie Monster Transformation Remake
진단 결과
The Plushie Gina The Doll
DoingEats The Balloon
The Full MoonGiant Balloon Moon
Hands Does Do Turns Into a Inflated Balloon Hands
Fingers Does DoTurns Into a Inflated Balloon Fingers
Size StomachReally Bigger And Huge
Body Parts Hair & Bow
Different ColourBlue
The Plushie Is Happening Next Her Skin Turns Into a Balloon Skin
He Or She She
Gina The Doll was eating a balloon, then she saw the Giant Balloon Moon. Suddenly, her hands and fingers turned into inflated balloon hands and fingers. Her stomach became really big and huge, her hair and bow were torn into pieces. Her skin turned blue like a balloon. Next, she transformed into a giant monster and howled.


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