Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

진단 결과 You, Toph, awakened in the house of a giant, possessive Furret. More specifically, its sandwich. You barely realize this before the unknowing pokemon lifts the sandwich to eat it, and you quickly fall out the other end. The pokemon notices you on its plate, confused for a moment.

The Furret apologizes frantically, and then it picks you up and hugs you to its chest.

After spending some time together, the Furret eagerly takes you home, away from your prior obligations. During the evening, the big pokemon nibbles at you playfully and gently, teasing about how good you taste; and the pokemon rubs you between its soles for a while, just giving you a thorough feel of them . At the end of it all, you can hardly believe that all of that happened.

You and Furret say goodbye only for the night, expecting to meet again soon.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

진단 인원수5.4K
Pokemon Macro Fetish
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진단 결과: 매일 변화
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