Your Lunar New Year Bull Transformation!

진단 결과 Savage reads his Year of the Ox fortune and a magical energy fills him! Twisting white horns grow on his head as he gains a snout and lets out a deep moo! He grows half his height taller and packs on quadruple his body weight extra as he swells with strong bovine muscles. And down below, his shaft gains a foot in length and his balls become so heavy they nearly touch the ground and become nudders. On top of it all, he becomes incredibly hairy all over. A very Moo Year indeed!


You go to read your fortune for the new year, this one being the Year of the Ox, and instead of wealth or prosperity, some other transformation comes your way!
Jumbo All-Beef Wiener@Komatose_AD

진단 인원수4.5K
Furry Male TF
진단 결과: 고정
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