Pregomon (baby boy)

진단 결과 After being married for
6 years you and
Akira decide to start a family, so at that night you have unprotected sex. The next morning your wife takes a pregnacy test and they tested positive, she tells you the good news. You are very happy to hear that your wife is pregnant. After a few months you two decide to have an ultra sound, the doctor tells you that it's a boy and that he's a healthy baby. Once you and your wife get home she suddenly starts having a real craving for
maple surup on pizza. When you entered the kitchen you see your wife eating the strange food combo, you jokingly ask if if taste good and she blushes in embarassment. Two months later you notice that your wife's having some pregnacy mood swings where she'll be
mad one moment and
lovey dovey the next. Durning the family reunion with your wife's side of the family your brother in-laws jokingly congratulate on impregnating their sister, whlie your sister in-laws were gathered around your wife, exicted to be aunts. One of them asked when she was due and she said some time next month. When the day came your wife's water broke and she was rushed to the hospital after some major pushes your son is born on
February 14th. You and your wife trying to decide on a name for your son, you two eventualy settle on


You got one of my pokegirl ocs pregnant and you couldn't be happier to become a dad. Together you and your pokemon wife count the days until your son is born.
Mega Music@MegaMus76412686

진단 인원수208
Pokemon Pregnacy
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