inflation story maker

진단 결과
your name Yara
male or female Female
inflate with what? Her body's slow metabolism makes her highly susceptible to weight gain
belly,butt,breasts,or all 3 Belly butt hips and thighs
Hose:mouth,butt, or noneNone
what do you want to happen?Novice martial artist, sadly becomes too heavy to train, blames herself for her shortcomings
Yara, a novice martial artist with dreams of mastering her skills, found herself facing an unexpected obstacle. Despite her dedication to training, her body's slow metabolism caused her to continuously swell. Her belly, butt, hips, and thighs expanded uncontrollably, making it increasingly difficult for her to move with agility. As the years passed, Yara grew heavier and heavier, unable to keep up with her peers. Frustrated and disheartened, she blamed herself for her shortcomings, unaware that her body's transformation was beyond her control. Despite her struggles, Yara continued to persevere, determined to overcome the physical limitations that threatened her passion for martial arts.


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